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Ceragem Donating “Sharing-Love Rice” to the International Human Resources Support Center in Cheonan during Its 18th Anniversary Event
During its 18th anniversary event on October 26 this year, Ceragem donated over 100 bags of rice to the International Human Resources Support Center in Cheonan. (The company’s founding date is October 27th.)
Located in Seongjeong-dong (Seobuk-gu, Cheonan), the center was opened in 2007 and has been engaged in diverse activities from counseling and conflict mediation for foreign workers to education on Korean, Korean living, and laws and culture in Korea as well as support to stimulate foreign workers’ communities.
As a global health company, Ceragem has made significant social contributions to countries around the world including Korea, China, India, Germany, and Chile. The rice donation is all the more special as the company accepted rice instead of congratulatory floral arrangements during the 18th anniversary event on October 13th.
CEO Lee Gyu-cheol of Ceragem stated: “Ceragem is devoted to being a global healthcare company that sustainably grows based on a win-win philosophy and fair, transparent business administration for both customers and the company. We will be a company making continual contributions to social development through diverse activities for the public good."