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사용자 중심의 온도조절에서 기능 설명까지 혁신하여 온열마사지는 물론 심플한 외관 디자인 및 슬라이딩 수납방식으로 편의성과 내구성의 만족이 남다릅니다.
1℃ 단위 미세 조절

CERAGEM`s temperature control is designed to adjust
temperature between 30℃ and 60℃ by 1℃ to optimize
the temperature for you. Feel the difference.
Enjoy greater convenience and satisfaction.

내구성 혁신 및 소비전력 절감

The easy-to-recognize icons make it easier for your entire family to manipulate the machine and understand how it works.
Enjoy the relaxing thermal massage in the convenience of your home.

슬라이딩 수납 디자인

The slide-in drawer box maximizes convenience when you store
and use the projectors. Equipped with compartments and pads
to prevent the projectors from clustering,
the box helps maintain the durability of the projectors.

안전하고 편리한 커넥터 적용

Our connectors have passed flexure tests as many as 240,000
times. The connector helps improve linkage to other outside
mechanical elements and increase durability.
You will feel the difference after prolonged use.


기존 온열마사지기를 넘어서는 내구성과 마사지 효능, 신소재 열원과 대체의학을 적용한 세라젬의 앞선 기술력으로 완성했습니다.

Different people like different types of intensity for their massage. CERAGEM`s 5mm-thick
two tier adjustable support makes it easier for you to control the intensity of thermal massager.
Experience smart intensity control. Enjoy a more effective massage.

내구성 혁신 및 소비전력 절감

CERAGEM has increased the service life of the pressure roller (composed of a LED and CP heater made of new material)
to up to about an unprecedented 30,000 hours (or 7 years), as well as upgrading its durability to excellence.


The LED and CP heater used for heat in the projector
can help you save energy by about 7 percent.


A thermal massager relieves the muscle main by providing a certain amount of heat to the human body.
A doctor’s prescription and instruction are needed for use.
(This product is a “medical device.” Please read “Caution” and “Instruction” carefully before use.)


구성 및 사양

Classification Function CGM EP(MP)-1101
Temperature Adjustment Range 30 ~ 60℃
Time of arrival at the target temperature 12 minutes (when target temp is 60℃)
Adjustable temperature interval 1℃
Time Adjustment Auto mode 1min. , 2 min. , 3min.
Manual mode 5 minute interval up to 120 minutes
Heating Material LED and CP heater
Negatively Charge Ion None
Dimension Main Body 551 x 216 x 249mm
9-Sphere Projector 302 x 133 x 65mm
3-Sphere Projector 230 x 101 x 65mm
Weight Main Body 3.87Kg
9-Sphere Projector 0.86Kg
3-Sphere Projector 0.52Kg
Momentary Power Consumption MAX 48W
Voltage 220 ~ 240V, 50/60Hz


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Download the manual for the whole contents. 사용설명서 다운로드